
Sustainability determines our actions

For us, sustainability is not a sideline but the core of our value-preserving products and services, for example corrosion protection. But our measures go even further:

  • Almost 80 percent of PFINDER products are now solvent-free.
  • We compensate for the unavoidable CO2 emissions of the aerosol cans used for our products, which amount to more than 400 tons of CO2 per year, through the non-profit climate protection organization "Atmosfair".
  • Innovative methods reduce so-called "overspray," for example. This reduces the amount of material used by the customer.
  • PFINDER is increasingly researching "2nd-life raw materials" such as used fats and oils.

PFINDER shapes the future

Today, more than ever, we at PFINDER are convinced that this orientation will help us to meet the challenges of the future well.

These are immense, because: Globalization does not only mean being able to open up new markets. Globalization also means experiencing new competition. We are preparing for this by creating proximity to our customers through global production sites, investing in state-of-the-art production processes, and developing new products and services - even beyond our familiar product lines. Sustainability has an impact on all areas of our company - with success.

Sustainability Report - Mockup Image by jannoon028
Sustainability Report - Mockup Image by jannoon028

Maintaining value is our passion: Sustainability at PFINDER

PFINDER's Sustainability Report provides detailed information about our products and services, production facilities at our main site in Böblingen, Germany, and employees. It also presents the company's commitments to society and environmental protection. This goes far beyond corrosion protection and surface testing.

These go far beyond the legal requirements. Finally, the report provides information on new projects with which PFINDER intends to position itself more securely for the future.


The "PFINDER-SAFETY-SCORE" (abbreviation: PSS) provides an initial guide to the degree of risk posed by a product.

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