Neighborhood Information

Neighborhood information according to §11 of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance (12. BImSchV) for the population in Böblingen South

about the plant

Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 14

Dear Neighbors, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your safety as neighboring residents to our plant premises and the safety of our own employees is a very high priority in our family-owned company, which has been based in Böblingen for over 60 years. In our plant for the production and storage of specialty chemical products for the automotive industry, there has never been an accident in the sense of a reportable incident.

PFINDER KG maintains an active and cooperative relationship with the responsible authorities, maintains extensive safety precautions in the production, storage and shipping areas, ensures continuous modernization of technology and meets the high requirements of quality standards, and the standards for occupational safety and environmental protection. The company has been certified for years according to ISO 9001, ISO TS or IATF 16949, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and more recently ISO 45001.

This section of our website is intended to provide you with brief information about our company, the hazardous substances and solvents used in our production facilities, and the procedures to be followed in the event of major incidents, such as fires or explosions, which may immediately or subsequently pose a risk to people and the environment or cause damage to property.

We also use large quantities of hazardous substances in our operations. PFINDER KG is therefore subject to the provisions of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance. All details of plant components subject to notification have been reported to the Stuttgart Regional Council in accordance with §7 of the 12th BImSchV (Major Accidents Ordinance), or approved by the responsible authorities. In addition, a version of the safety report, updated in accordance with the legal requirements, is regularly submitted to the authorities, demonstrating the reliability of our technical equipment and the effectiveness of our safety organization. In addition, "on-site inspections (VOB)" are regularly carried out on our premises by the responsible representatives of the Stuttgart Regional Administrative Court, during which the implementation of the legal requirements is checked. This year's VOB was carried out on February 17, 2022. The next VOB is scheduled to take place in the first half of 2023.

The extended obligations under the 12th BImSchV also include informing residents in the immediate vicinity of the plant premises.

At PFINDER KG in Böblingen, Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 14, chemical-technical special products are manufactured for the automotive industry and its suppliers. This is done in suitable facilities that have been approved by the authorities. Various hazardous substances and solvents such as gasolines, additives, resins and preservatives are used. The products are manufactured and filled into their delivery containers using processes such as heating, mixing, pumping, cooling and dispersing by our employees, who are also regularly trained on safety aspects and hazard prevention topics. Raw materials and finished products are delivered and shipped by truck and tanker. By actively and cooperatively dealing with the supervisory authorities and by investing heavily in buildings, technology and equipment for early warning and fighting fires and environmental damage, we are constantly adapting the traditionally very high safety standards in our production and storage facilities to the further development of technology. For example, old facilities have been decommissioned and dismantled. As a result, space has been created in recent years and investments have been made in modernized production technology in new production areas to expand the fire compartments already in place to reduce risk.

Notes and recommendations on potential hazards and behavior in emergencies

Despite the use of modern technology and all safety precautions, we still have to be prepared for an incident. Therefore, in this neighborhood information, we also provide recommendations for behavior that you can use to help protect yourself. Please read this information carefully so that you and your family can act appropriately to the situation at all times.


In this section you will find a brief classification of the main hazardous substances used at PFINDER KG that could be released in the event of an incident:

Contact with hazardous substances
Contact with hazardous substances

Types of hazard in the event of an accident and possible effects

If, despite all safety measures, an incident should occur with an impact outside our premises, the neighborhood may possibly be affected by vapors and gases hazardous to health, such as smoke.

The main hazard is the unintentional release of hazardous substances in large quantities outside the designated operating facilities. In this case, soil or water contamination can occur in spite of the installed catch basins and fire water retention, or in the case of highly flammable substances, a fire or explosion can occur. Public areas can also be affected by a fire and the resulting fire gases and soot clouds. In the event of an explosion of solvent vapors, this may also be perceived outside the plant premises.

  • Internal measures in the event of an incident
    Safeguards (fire detectors and automatic extinguishing systems) are installed throughout the plant and are directly connected to the fire department control room. Our hazard prevention plan specifies in detail the measures to be taken by PFINDER KG employees in the event of a malfunction, together with the emergency and rescue services, in order to keep the effects of a malfunction as low as possible. This hazard prevention plan is also available to the authorities responsible for hazard prevention and disaster control. These are responsible for protecting the population.
  • Warning and information in the event ofreportable incidents
    In the event of damage, the Böblingen fire department control center is always informed from the plant. The firefighters are familiar with the conditions on the plant premises through constant contact and regularly recurring smaller and large-scale exercises (most recently in the fall of 2017). The necessary fire department, rescue service and police emergency response teams are alerted from the fire department's control center. The public is informed, if necessary, by the responsible authorities, e.g. by loudspeaker announcements or via the radio. Details see below.
  • Important telephone numbers
    Fire department rescue center: 112
    Police no-fruf: 110
    Please call these emergency telephone numbers only in urgent cases so that the telephone lines are not blocked unnecessarily.

Behavior in case of emergency/safety instructions

When an incident occurs, we immediately inform the responsible authorities about the extent of the incident and the measures already initiated from the "hazard prevention plan".

WARNING of the POPULATION is carried out by:

Loudspeaker announcements
Therefore, pay attention to announcements by the fire department or the police. You will be informed about special rules of conduct, further measures and all-clear. Please be sure to follow all instructions of the emergency and rescue services in the event of an emergency and observe their safety instructions!

Messages on the radio
Turn on your radio: Announcements about incidents, behavioral measures and all-clear warnings are announced on regional radio stations:

Radio BB, UKW 104,3
Antenne 1, VHF 104.3
SWR1, UKW 94.7
SWR3, UKW 92.2
The current frequencies of the stations at Kabel BW can be found on the Internet at

Stay away from the interference area. Do not smoke.
Keep the road clear for emergency personnel.

Inform your neighbors. If necessary, help children, the elderly or disabled.

Close windows and doors.
Turn off ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Use the telephone only in urgent situations. Do not block the lines to the police, fire department and PFINDER KG by making unnecessary inquiries.

Wait for the all-clear signal. Pay attention to loudspeaker announcements and radio messages.


If you have any questions regarding PFINDER KG's emergency management, please do not hesitate to contact our
Managing Directors Dr. Peter Moritz and Mr. Dietrich Schmezer as well as Mr. Josef Ebensberger, Head of Global Production, at 07031 27010 (switchboard) for further information.

(Neighborhood Information Revision March 2022 / BenElKaid)

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