Universal cavity and underbody protection

Vehicle cavities and underbodies are the areas most exposed to moisture and stone chipping and therefore require long-term flexible protection against corrosion.


  • During the KTL deposition process, incomplete coating may occur in the cavity
  • Not all components on the underbody are adequately protected against corrosion or are damaged by stone chipping
  • Moisture and salt then lead to corrosion in the cavity and in damaged areas on the underbody


  • Universally applicable anti-corrosion wax for cavity and underbody.
  • The creeping material closes gaps and small holes, thus forming a barrier against water and salt and thus preventing corrosion
  • Use of an air-drying system with a high yield
Damaged and corroded underbody
Damaged and corroded underbody

Damaged and corroded underbody


  • High level of safety due to flexible long-term corrosion protection in the cavity and underbody
  • Easy subsequent preservation due to high compatibility
  • Drying of the system to a film without additional energy input
Sealed gap in the cavity
Sealed gap in the cavity

Destruction of the protective coating due to stone impact

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