Everyday in R&D: Continuous further development


Everyday in R&D: Continuous further development
Everyday in R&D: Continuous further development

Every new or improved consumable for magnetic particle or penetrant testing from PFINDER is the result of months of exciting development and rigorous testing.

Feedback from test customers is an important milestone before the general market launch. This, in turn, is preceded by extensive internal testing in the PFINDER-NDT technical center. Here, the properties of the new product are evaluated. The candidate material is compared with series and competitor products on reference and test specimens.

These tests are usually carried out by PFINDER experts from R&D and sales in order to achieve the best possible combination between science and practical use.

Here you can see Kersten Alward, Thomas Schratt, Marco Simon and Pantelis Savvidis evaluating a new sample.

The result is outstanding products that are characterized by exceptional properties. This is PFINDER's GREEN NDT promise: The relation of user-friendliness, work safety, environmental awareness and cost efficiency.

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