ICE NDT: New Distributor in Morocco


ICE stands for INTERNATIONAL CALIBRATION & EQUIPMENT NDT and ICE NDT is PFINDER's new sales partner for the Moroccan market.


It is a young company established in July 2022. In addition to repair and calibration services for non-destructive testing (NDT) measurement equipment, it offers the full range of NDT equipment and materials, such as: Magnetic and ultrasonic detectors, phased array detectors and scanners, UT thickness and coating gauges, hardness testers, video endoscopes, and in particular the full range of PFINDER NDT products for magnetic particle and indentation testing.

Franck MALARET, co-owner of ICE NDT: ""We have been working with PFINDER in Morocco for almost a year and this collaboration helps ICE NDT to reach new markets and provide high quality products to our customers in Morocco. As PFINDER is a globally recognized brand, it helps ICE NDT a lot to satisfy customers with new products and competitive prices. I hope to have a long and fruitful cooperation.

PFINDER is pleased to have ICE NDT on board as a distributor for the Moroccan market.

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