PFINDER KG is a proud sponsor of the Jugend forscht 2024 press conference


PFINDER KG is a proud sponsor of the Jugend forscht 2024 press conference
PFINDER KG is a proud sponsor of the Jugend forscht 2024 press conference

Today we were proud to host the official press conference for Jugend forscht 2024. As a committed sponsor of this inspiring event, we welcomed the Lord Mayor of the City of Sindelfingen, Dr. Bernd Vöhringer, as well as representatives of the city, sponsors and the press on site.

Our participation in this important event underlines our ongoing commitment to education, innovation and the promotion of young talent. Jugend forscht provides a platform for young researchers to showcase their creative projects and ignite enthusiasm for science and research.

PFINDER KG is proud to be a part of this inspiring project and to support the next generation of researchers and innovators. We would like to thank all participants, sponsors and guests for their participation in this important event.

For more information about our participation in Jugend forscht 2024, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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