Metroomat NDT: New sales partner in Colombia


Metroomat NDT S.A.S. is a company that offers technological solutions in the following fields: NDT, chemical analysis of materials, metallography, preventive maintenance and X-ray film development systems.


The company's experience, service and flexibility to offer solutions to the daily challenges of its customers have allowed the establishment of long-term relationships with companies from different industries. Currently, Metroomat is in constant evolution and growth, always looking for new products, solutions and services for improvement. Taking into account the challenges and changes that arise over time.

Néstor Pantano, CEO of Metroomat NDT, comments:
"I have been working in the NDT industry for many years and together with my team we listen to our customers to learn how their testing and health and safety requirements have evolved. This was one of many reasons why I chose to work with PFINDER. I know that these products meet special requirements from the standpoint of technology, ecology and occupational safety. I look forward to the possibilities of a long-term collaboration with PFINDER to demonstrate new alternatives that can improve practical work in the NDT market in Colombia."

PFINDER is pleased to have Metroomat NDT on board as a distribution partner for the Colombian market.

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