NDT process optimization for aerospace components (3)


NDT process optimization for aerospace components (3)
NDT process optimization for aerospace components (3)

As announced before, BMB and PFINDER are proudly presenting an implemented GREEN NDT project. Fluorescent penetrant testing of components for the aviation industry has become more economical, more environmentally friendly and safer for operators. Here we are presenting the last part:

BMB has applied for the disposal of wastewater with PFINDER 923 into the sewerage – and received the approval from the local authorities. This saves the investment and running costs that would have been necessary for the processing the wastewater.

Important progress has also been made in terms of work safety: PFINDER 923 is free of hydrocarbons, which would lead to aspiration toxicity of the penetrant. Therefor it does not show the "health hazard" label with the hazard symbol GHS08. Important for the safety of the operators and another reason why company founder Hans W. Berg has chosen exclusively PFINDER 923.

"PFINDER already provided us with excellent support 20 years ago during the authorization procedure for the waste water discharge and still provides us with optimal consultation on all GREEN NDT topics today," explains Senator Hans W. Berg.

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