NDT process optimization for aerospace components (2)


NDT process optimization for aerospace components (2)
NDT process optimization for aerospace components (2)

As announced before, BMB and PFINDER are proudly presenting an implemented GREEN NDT project. Fluorescent penetrant testing of components for the aviation industry has become more economical, more environmentally friendly and safer for operators.

Here we are presenting the follow-up:

Prior to the penetrant testing process, all components for the aviation industry are dried for 10 minutes at 80°C. After cooling, the complete wetting with PFINDER 923 follows. The fluorescent penetrant of sensitivity level 3 is approved according AMS 2644. This is an international specification, which is of major importance for the aviation industry. After the dwell time, the components are rinsed with tap water to remove the excess penetrant from the surface. This process step generates large amounts of wastewater. Depending on the used penetrant, this wastewater usually needs to be disposed as hazardous waste or treated (e.g. active carbon filtration, ultrafiltration or evaporation). All of those options are causing high running costs.

The composition of the penetrant PFINDER 923 is based on raw materials that result in a certificate for high biodegradability according to EN ISO 9888. This environmentally friendly and biodegradable base of PFINDER 923 allows the disposal of the wastewater into the sewerage, after approval by the local authorities.

Stay curious to see next week's sequel.

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