PFINDER 73 ProLight: UV technology for NDT - redefined


The time has come: PFINDER 73 ProLight is here! Completely new and so far unique in NDT applications is the large-area radiation of the test surface achieved by 16 UV LEDs with an outstanding homogeneity.

PINDER 73 ProLight
PINDER 73 ProLight

This supports peripheral vision during inspection, which leads to greater evaluation reliability.

Thanks to its compact, lightweight design, the PFINDER 73 ProLight can be optimally used in both mobile and stationary operation. Through the charger, the powerful battery reaches its full capacity within a very short time for continuous operation of up to 2.5 hours.

All current standards and specifications are met, corresponding certificates can be issued (e.g. RRES 90061, ASTM E3022).

The electronic control always keeps the intensity of PFINDER 73 ProLight at a constant level, regardless of the battery charge level.

PFINDER's GREEN NDT product philosophy also offers important advantages in the area of accessories: By using a standard battery (CAS system), replacement and additional batteries of various capacities are available worldwide. There is no need to send in the unit or buy expensive special batteries.

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