PFINDER at the NDTMA 2024


PFINDER at the NDTMA 2024
PFINDER at the NDTMA 2024

The NDTMA conference in 2024 was a much-anticipated event, drawing professionals to discuss advancements in the field.

Upon arrival at the NDTMA conference PFINDER was presented with a plaque as a new member of NDTMA. We are excited to be part of this circle of excellence. Special thanks to Marybeth Miceli for organizing another valuable event.

A great keynote address was given by Bobby Harrington, recently retired from Chevron Pascagoula, MS. He focused on leadership through the power of self-leadership, excellence and essentiality of NDT, the power of integrity.

Amidst the busy schedule, PFINDER Sales Manager Randy Outzen found moments to unwind and connect, forming new friendships and strengthening existing professional bonds: Pledging to stay in touch, eager to continue the fruitful exchanges sparked by the event and collaborate on future projects.

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