PFINDER offsets 543,000 kg of CO₂ emissions


PFINDER has already been reducing the climate-damaging effects of the use of aerosol cans for many years.

CO2 Emissionen
CO2 Emissionen

The first priority is always prevention. PFINDER informs and advises customers in detail about possible alternatives to the use of aerosol cans. However, there are applications where the use of aerosol cans is the only option.

In cooperation with atmosfair, PFINDER supports climate protection projects. In this way, 543,000 kg of CO₂ were offset for the year 2022. Did you know that this corresponds to the CO₂ compensation of 5.5 hectares (55,000 m 2 ) of forest area?

And this is just one of many measures of GREEN NDT - the sustainability campaign with which PFINDER has been prioritizing the importance of occupational safety, the environment and efficiency since 2015.

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