The winners have been determined! Regional competition 2023 Jugend forscht and Schüler experimentieren


Under the motto "Make ideas big!", numerous young researchers presented their ideas and research results to the jury and the public last Friday in the Sindelfingen City Hall, which were really very impressive.

Youth research 2023
Youth research 2023

The regional winners have now been announced!

A total of 40 projects from the fields of work, biology, chemistry, mathematics and computer science, physics and technology were submitted this year by the 73 participants.

Following the press tour, there was a group photo with Lord Mayor Dr. Bernd Vöhringer, the regional winners, the sponsors and the Jugend forscht project team.

PFINDER and the other sponsors of Jugend forscht also had the opportunity to present themselves with a booth in the town hall. Our three trainees from the laboratory, administration and production departments were competently available to answer questions.

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