Review: PFINDER at the WCNDT 2024


Review: PFINDER at the WCNDT 2024
Review: PFINDER at the WCNDT 2024

A week in Seoul (Incheon to be precise) is behind us. An opportunity to take a look back and take stock of the past.

Numerous valuable contacts with potential new international partners and a re-meeting with many long-standing partners.

In fact, however, we had expected significantly more NDT users from the host country. A day ticket for the exhibition area for 150 USD certainly did not increase the attractiveness of a visit to the event. For exhibitiors like us, however, contact with local users is an important part of a satisfactory event.

The presentation by Thomas Schratt “UV light in NDT: Quo vadis” on normative requirements and practical aspects of handling UV lamps was well attended and received with great interest.

The next WCNDT will take place in Argentina in 2028 and we look forward to many more contacts in the meantime to make GREEN NDT even more well known globally.

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