PFINDER KG receives the coveted kununu Top Company Award 2024


PFINDER KG has been awarded the coveted kununu Top Company Award 2024 for its outstanding working conditions and exemplary corporate culture. This prestigious seal is awarded by kununu and underlines the high level of employee satisfaction and the positive working environment at PFINDER KG.


The award is based on comprehensive reviews and feedback from employees who shared their experiences on the kununu review portal. It was not only career prospects that played a role, but also factors such as corporate culture, work-life balance and general job satisfaction.

PFINDER KG sees the award as motivation to continue creating optimal conditions for its teams and to strengthen its position as an attractive employer. The kununu Top Company Award 2024 is another milestone in the company's success story and a sign of PFINDER KG's ongoing positive development as a workplace.

Kununu Siegel
Kununu Siegel

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