Highly flexible corrosion protection waxes

The corrosion protection waxes from Pfinder are true all-rounders. They not only protect body cavities very effectively, but also do their job on axles, doors, underbodies, chassis, and battery carriers.

During the development of AP-CORR waxes, the following properties were worked out. The waxes are not only permanently flexible, but also self-healing and extremely creep-resistant. Despite their extremely flexible surface, the waxes are highly resistant to external environmental influences. For example, some products achieve a resistance in the salt spray test of more than 1000 hours, which corresponds to a realistic exposure of twelve years. Another advantage of waxes is that they provide effective corrosion protection on almost all substrates and in complex geometries.

The advantage for the user is that they are particularly low-dripping and low-spray during application, as well as being odor-optimized.

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