Battery system protection

Battery systems in BEVs are exposed to high levels of moisture and direct stone impacts due to their location close to the ground, and their contents must be specially protected.


  • Battery and fuel cell modules must be protected from corrosion
  • Stone chips due to position on the underbody of the vehicle
  • Coatings must not be fire-promoting
  • Different components place different requirements on protective coatings


  • New solvent- and label-free product range
  • Corrosion and stone chip protection with properties specially adapted for battery applications


  • Product range reliably protects against corrosion and stone chipping and thus ensures long-term functionality of the battery
Damaged and corroded underbody
Damaged and corroded underbody

① PFINDER corrosion protection coatings for surface applications

② PFINDER Corrosion protection for joints and seals

③ PFINDER Cavity protection

④ PFINDER stone chip protection coating

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