Better together: example from the aviation industry (1)


Better together: example from the aviation industry (1)
Better together: example from the aviation industry (1)

For now 20 years, BMB and PFINDER have been working closely together and have established themselves as market leaders in their segments. In the coming weeks, we will be presenting a successfully implemented process optimization.

BMB and PFINDER are proudly presenting an implemented GREEN NDT project. Fluorescent penetrant testing of components for the aviation industry has become more economical, more environmentally friendly and safer for operators. Today we begin with the first post:

BMB Gesellschaft für Materialprüfung mbH is a leading European service provider for a wide range of non-destructive material testing of cast, forged, ceramic and plastic parts. BMB tests components for the automotive, aviation, railway, electrical and food industries. From the testing of prototypes to the serial testing of over 50,000 parts per day, testing tasks are realized quickly and highly flexible.

PFINDER KG in Böblingen is one of the leading manufacturers of consumables for magnetic particle and penetrant testing. In addition to its long-standing market leadership in the field of series testing in the automotive industry, PFINDER offers a complete range of products for all industrial sectors. PFINDER consumables have been also established in the field of aviation testing due to its outstanding performance.

For now 20 years, BMB and PFINDER have been working closely together and have established themselves as market leaders in their segments. In the coming weeks, we will be presenting a successfully implemented process optimization. At BMB, fluorescent penetrant testing of components for the aviation industry has become more economical, more environmentally friendly and safer for operators. A successful example of GREEN NDT.

Stay curious to see next week's sequel.

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