NDT Process Optimization for Aviation Components


NDT Process Optimization for Aviation Components
NDT Process Optimization for Aviation Components

As announced before, BMB and PFINDER are proudly presenting an implemented GREEN NDT project. Fluorescent penetrant testing of components for the aviation industry has become more economical, more environmentally friendly and safer for operators. Here we are presenting the follow-up:

BMB’s contracting partner expects a 100% penetrant inspection with an AMS2644 approved water washable fluorescent penetrant of sensitivity class 3. Therefor the safety critical components for the aviation industry are running through semi-automatic dipping and fully automatic overhead conveyor testing lines. This allows a high volume throughput with stable and reliable parameters.

When doing penetrant testing, a testing liquid, the “penetrant” is applied to the surface. Before doing so, the surface to be tested needs to be thoroughly cleaned of any residues. Due to its specific properties (e.g. the capillary force) the penetrant exploits finest cracks or pores, open to the surface.

After a dwell time that primarily depends on tested component’s material, the penetrant is removed from the surface under defined conditions by using tap water. After the application of a developer and a developing time, the developer absorbs penetrant remaining in the cracks or pores. When examined under UV light, indications on the surface become visible. Trained inspection personnel evaluates these indications. Predefined criteria determine the further usability of the components.

Stay curious to see next week's sequel.

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