CARES Europe 2023


CARES Europe 2023
CARES Europe 2023

Participation in the 2nd European Forum of "Cares" on November 23 and 24, 2023 in Paris by Dr. Karsten Lessmann. Together with Dr. Björn Heuer (H&R-group), possibilities for minimizing the carbon footprint were presented.

Together with Hansen und Rosenthal from Hamburg, PFINDER presented the possibilities of replacing fossil-based raw materials such as oils or waxes with regenerated and/or renewable raw materials without compromising the quality or performance of the end products. This can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the end products and thus make an important contribution to the decarbonization of an automotive paint shop.

The presentation was received with great interest by the approximately 180 experts for sustainability in the automotive industry and there were numerous questions and further contacts.

The atmosphere at the "Cares" -event was very good and highly interested.

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